06/20/2016For our second player spotlight we feature Jeremy Vasquez from Australia.
Jeremy Vasquez hails from Sydney, Australia. While living in Australia he discovered the sport of hockey and began playing when he was 9 years old. He first experienced Canada when his team competed in the Peewee International Tournament in Quebec City. While there, he decided that he wanted to improve his game and make hockey a full-time choice. He came to CIH Academy in grade 9, where he was placed on the Varsity team with Coach Alain Raymond. Alain helped Jeremy improve his skating, shooting and passing and his skills improved greatly over the season. For his second year at CIHA, Jeremy moved up to the Major Bantam AAA program and now plays Midget AAA. Jeremy believes that the biggest difference between his playing days in Australia and with CIHAis the level of coaching he has received. The fact that his coaches all have years of professional playing experience to draw off of has really given him that drive to join their ranks. In the off season he likes to mix in soccer and surfing to compliment his hockey program. Jeremy will start his fourth year at CIHA in September and he plans to play Junior and enroll in a University after graduation.
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